Flash 14: Prudent Speech.

Matthew 12:36-37
[36]But I tell you, on the day of judgment men will have to give account for every idle (inoperative, nonworking) word they speak.[37]For by your words you will be justified and acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned and sentenced.

In our relationship with God, a fundamental of His nature that often escapes our notice, or fails to hit us with the gravity that it deserves is that He is a God of His Word. He says what He means and means what He says, a quality that should evoke that holy fear that is necessary for our preservation. And one profound truth He conveys that is worth our deep consideration is that we will one day give an account for every useless word we uttered! 

I have not been able to shake off the vivid imagery that has lingered in my mind ever since a preacher talked about how on judgement day we will one by one be called to give an account for the words we uttered. As his words pierced my heart, I pictured myself standing before God Almighty and being called to give an account for all the useless things I have ever spoken; the gossip, slander, ungodly criticism, judgements, verbal abuses, dirty jokes, malicious arguments etc. The severity of that moment standing before God the Righteous Judge gripped my heart. Immediately I felt convicted and since then, I find myself often entreating the Lord to help me guard my tongue.

Psalm 141:3
[3]Set a guard, O Lord, before my mouth; keep watch at the door of my lips.

We live in a society that highly values communication, and the clamor for the freedom of speech resounds everywhere. Both on main stream and social media platforms we are incessantly being urged to share our opinions, comments and feedback on anything and everything. Whether what we're saying is true or valid is besides the point. The invitation is to offer our opinions indiscriminately. Yet, a wise man discerns that not every invitation to speak should be seized. He understands that the liberty to voice our thoughts does not equate to the necessity of articulating every impulse! Even as Paul would say, everything is lawful for me but not all things are expedient. Regrettably, this discernment eludes many of us. In our immaturity, we demand unrestricted freedom to express ourselves whenever, however and to whomever we please. We disdain any constraint that is imposed on our freedom of speech. Somehow, we are misled to think that true freedom is when we can express ourselves anyhow without thought to the things we are expressing. We are being taught to exalt our feelings and impulses above prudence and wisdom!
How many harmonious relationships have been shattered by a few thoughtless words? How many nations and civilizations have been set ablaze by the folly of one individual's speech? Some are living a hell on earth simply due to their words and the conversations they entertain around them. Worse yet, some of us will be condemned to eternal damnation not so much because of anything else but our imprudent speech. 

Dear young man, tame your tongue. Exceed the bounds of prudent speech and you will have invited perilous repercussions.

Shilako Abutaka. 


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