Flash 11: Time, Chance and Choice.

One of the most frequently used expressions that is often used as an excuse by individuals who find themselves in less than favorable circumstances is "Life is not fair." This phrase has been used to justify negative attitudes towards life, irrational and harmful behaviors, poor life decisions, and, for some, as a reason to doubt the goodness and justice of God and consequently turn away from Him. While this statement may hold some truth, the Bible, in Ecclesiastes, offers a perspective that is worthy of our utmost consideration.

Ecclesiastes 9:11 NIV "I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all."

Despite all the inconsistencies of human life, God grants time and chance to all. Time is a mysterious and essential element given to every man to enact change and fulfill their purposes. Among the variable factors present in human lives, one constant gift from God to all is time. Every individual, regardless of wealth, age, gender, is granted the same amount of time - 24 hours a day. This time is sufficient to fulfill God's purposes for our lives, to bring about change and transformation, to work, and to rest. And while each person has a predetermined lifespan, God's allocation of time takes into consideration our purpose and the time required to achieve it. He provides just enough time, and even more if necessary, to accomplish His intended purpose for our lives.

Embedded within the construct of time lie chances - opportunities presented to us daily to give meaning to our lives. These chances range from simple, everyday occurrences to more significant opportunities. Chances to enhance our health through healthy choices, chances to strengthen relationships through effective communication, chances to showcase our talents and develop our gifts, chances to cultivate a living and saving relationship with our Saviour Lord Jesus Christ and so forth. As time progresses, a continuous flux of chances presents itself in our direction.

Along with chances come the necessity of making choices. We are faced with decisions on which chances to seize and which to forego, choices that can lead to positive or negative outcomes. The act of not making a choice is in itself a choice. Therefore, the question is not whether we will make choices, but rather, what choices we will make. These choices have the power to either build us up or tear us down, hence the need for wisdom and discernment.

There is a caveat. Time is something that is linear and moves only in one direction. Forward, never backwards. It cannot be reversed. It is therefore important to exercise prudence in utilizing time. Similarly, some opportunities are fleeting and may never present themselves again. Failure to seize them the first time they come our way become a lost opportunity forever.

Ultimately, our choices shape our destiny. A perfect alignment of time, chance and choice creates for some of the most magical experiences of human existence. The reverse is also true. In the end we will be held accountable for how we utilized the time, chances, and choices bestowed upon us by God. Therefore, it is imperative to reflect on how we approach time, chances, and choices in our lives.

What are your thoughts on this subject? I look forward to them.

Shilako Abutaka.


  1. Indeed chance and time is given to all...some make the best use of it...some are never privileged to make the best of it based on their life's encounters...which may include financial status..health problems and so forth ..but indeed we continue to strive on to make the best out of it!

    1. Yes, I do agree that some life situations limit how we take advantage of chances and time... But when there's no limitations, let us take advantage of these chances and time. Thank you for the feedback mwalimu.


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