Flash 13: In All Thy Getting... Get Wisdom.

Proverbs 4:7
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. 

Gen Zs are now the trending talk of town. Their remarkable intelligence and mental acuity often being highlighted as one of their most notable attributes. This intellectual prowess and sharp wit has been evident in their involvement in organising and maintaining a political revolution in our nation, the effects of which are already being felt far beyond our national borders. And that is no mean feat!

Being a Gen Z myself, I commend the intelligence and sharpness that my generation embodies. I commend our endless efforts in being informed about the things happening around us and around the world, our hearty pursuit of information and knowledge. However, I daresay that in all our getting, let's get wisdom. Let us not get so caught up with being intelligent and smart that we forget the value of wisdom, for wisdom is the preservation of any young man. Intelligence without wisdom is simply a fast track to destruction.

It is our Swahili forefathers who said "akili nyingi huondoa maarifa," meaning too much intelligence takes away wisdom. I think this is because intelligence often comes hand in hand with pride. And we all know that adage "pride comes before a fall?" Intelligence combined with youthfulness often form the perfect recipe for destruction unless tempered with wisdom. Many a youth's life has gone crashing not because they were unintelligent but rather unwise. Isn't it then expedient for us that we heed to the call and apply ourselves to gaining wisdom? And what better way to gain wisdom than to cultivate a listening ear and an understanding heart.

Reflecting on my own past, I recall a time when I believed I knew everything. In my conceit I mistakenly equated my sharp mind and quick wit with omniscience. I would often engage in debates and arguments just to showcase my intelligence. I held an opinion on every topic and steadfastly believed that my views were always correct, regardless of validation. I secretly hated being told to "listen". The word always felt like an invitation for another to impose their will on me, a notion particularly unpalatable to us the younger generation. The phrase "we are older, so you should listen to us" often felt patronizing. While I outwardly complied with my elders and listened to them, I only did so to avoid reprimand and being cursed😂😂. Internally, I critiqued and tore apart their arguments.

Yet, as time has passed and wisdom has slowly dawned upon me, I have come to appreciate the significance of listening as a young individual. And here I'm not talking about merely listening to respond (which we mostly do) but rather listening to understand. I can count down a number of times when I failed to listen to my elders because I thought I knew better, only to end up in a rut and filled with regrets. Life's journey is riddled with pitfalls and snares that require deft navigation to fulfill one's destiny. It is a path not meant for the intelligent but for the wise. Acquiring wisdom becomes a necessity so that we can finish our race well. This wisdom is best achieved through learning from those who have traversed this path before us and have witnessed more than we could fathom.

Does this mean that our elders are infallible? Certainly not. Nor does it imply that the youth have nothing of value to contribute, for we possess much to offer the world. Thus, we should not shy away from showcasing our capabilities. However, the essence lies in maintaining the humility and respect that enables us to listen and learn from those who have preceded us. Succumbing to pride and conceit will only lead us to embody the Swahili proverb, "Asiyesikia la mkuu huvunjika guu," loosely translated as he who does not heed the advice of the wise will suffer the consequences.

What other wisdom do you think the youth can adopt in order to live a fulfilling life? Feel free to share your thoughts. Tschuss.

Shilako Abutaka. 


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