Flash 10: We Are Escaped.

Following global news has had a profound effect on me. Reports of wars and rumours of wars, economic turmoil in unexpected nations, failing government systems and escalating violence has left me feeling weary. I find myself seeking solace in art, particularly poetry and paintings, until one morning I woke up with this phrase ringing in my mind. "Is art a means of escapism?" The phrase that prompts today's post. 

As I went into exploring the relationship between art and escapism, I had a remarkable realization. That part of my deep immersion in arts in this season was a consequence of the news I was constantly digesting and also a form of escapism. A way to evade from the harsh and disheartening realities of life that often weigh heavily on the heart and mind. This brought questions to my mind like, 'Are Christians exempt from escapism?' 'is a Christian given to escapism implying a lack of faith in Jesus Christ?' Meditating on these and other such questions brought to mind this passage from Psalm 124:6-8

Praise be to the LORD, who has not let us be torn by their teeth. 7 We have escaped like a bird out of the fowler's snare; the snare has been broken, and we have escaped. 8 Our help is in the name of the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.

Amidst challenging circumstances and an ever-encroaching darkness, it is easy for all, including Christians, to feel ensnared and overwhelmed. To feel as though there's no way out. These feelings of hopelessness create a need within us for escape. Escape to a place that is not blighted by the consequences of sin and death. Escape to a place of safety and security. It is this legitimate need, that unwisely interpreted, leads some into addictions, workaholism, senseless entertainment and so forth. 

However, God reassures us that through Christ Jesus, our souls are escaped from the shackles of sin and death. Like a bird, we have broken free, with Christ becoming our freedom and hiding place. He stands as our constant help in times of distress. We no longer need to seek escape from the realities of life through fantasies, addictions, frivolous entertainment or whatever form our escapism takes. Nor should we place undue reliance on men, of whom the scripture cautions that they cannot provide true deliverance. Instead, we must fix our gaze on Jesus Christ, beholding His beauty and splendor, contemplating on His finished works on the Cross and alas! We soon realize that even amidst great adversity, we are preserved because Christ has become our escape.

And what if adversity touches us? Well, when it touches and pains us, we have consolation in this knowledge, that while our outer man is being sorely tried and tempted, our inner man is being renewed.
2 Corinthians 4:16–18 So we do not lose heart. For though our outer self is wasting away, yet our inner self is being renewed day by day. 17 For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, 18 as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen.

May this message bring you encouragement to seek and find your primary consolation in Christ. And for those yet to embrace Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, today is the perfect opportunity to embark on a transformative walk with Him! Tschuss!

Look forward to your comments.


  1. Quite a timely reminder that In the midst of our country's current situation we have an escape route for our minds - Jesus Christ. Thanks


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