
Showing posts from July, 2024

Flash 15: The Sick Rose.

People's passions often bring about such strong clouding of the soul that again days pass until it has freed itself from the effects of these, and then the soul's fate is a struggle for strength~ Bertha Dude.  Passion can be defined as the internal flame that motivates and energizes us towards a specific goal. It is the intense emotion directed towards someone or something that drives us towards a particular course of action. When harnessed towards noble pursuits, passion serves as a catalyst for positive impact. However, if misdirected, passion can lead us down a destructive path. Similar to the symbolism in William Blake's " The Sick Rose, " passion can act as the unseen force that corrodes our lives. O Rose thou art sick.  The invisible worm,  That flies in the night  In the howling storm:  Has found out thy bed Of crimson joy: And his dark secret love Does thy life destroy. Dear young man, in all thy getting, get the right passion.  Shilako Abutak

Flash 14: Prudent Speech.

Matthew 12:36-37 [36]But I tell you, on the day of judgment men will have to give account for every idle (inoperative, nonworking) word they speak.[37]For by your words you will be justified and acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned and sentenced. In our relationship with God, a fundamental of His nature that often escapes our notice, or fails to hit us with the gravity that it deserves is that He is a God of His Word. He says what He means and means what He says, a quality that should evoke that holy fear that is necessary for our preservation. And one profound truth He conveys that is worth our deep consideration is that we will one day give an account for every useless word we uttered!  I have not been able to shake off the vivid imagery that has lingered in my mind ever since a preacher talked about how on judgement day we will one by one be called to give an account for the words we uttered. As his words pierced my heart, I pictured myself standing before

Flash 13: In All Thy Getting... Get Wisdom.

Proverbs 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.  Gen Zs are now the trending talk of town. Their remarkable intelligence and mental acuity often being highlighted as one of their most notable attributes. This intellectual prowess and sharp wit has been evident in their involvement in organising and maintaining a political revolution in our nation, the effects of which are already being felt far beyond our national borders. And that is no mean feat! Being a Gen Z myself, I commend the intelligence and sharpness that my generation embodies. I commend our endless efforts in being informed about the things happening around us and around the world, our hearty pursuit of information and knowledge. However, I daresay that in all our getting, let's get wisdom. Let us not get so caught up with being intelligent and smart that we forget the value of wisdom, for wisdom is the preservation of any young man. Intelligence

The Place of Men in Combating FGM.

photo of PCF co-founder Samuel Leadismo addressing young morans. Conversations opposing Female Genital Mutilation have traditionally been perceived as a women-centric endeavour, with most advocates primarily targeting women to empower them in the fight against FGM. However, at Pastoralist Child Foundation we have discovered that conversations about ending FGM are incomplete without the inclusion of the men's voice. This is because of the unique and indispensable role that men play in communities. Men, as the ultimate authority figures in communities hold great sway over the acceptance or rejection of any given cause. As such, in 2015, Pastoralist Child Foundation initiated FGM workshops for young boys and teenagers, a pioneering effort among the pastoral communities in Samburu. Elders too participated in separate workshops where community members addressed them regarding the importance of their voice in fighting against FGM. Through these organized forums, we encourage

Flash 12: A Rose From Concrete.

It was many years ago when I was searching for the poem ' The Sick Rose'  by William Blake, that I chanced upon Tupac Shakur's verse, " The   R ose That Grew From Concrete. " This poignant composition has continued to linger in my thoughts years afterwards, often providing encouragement to me when I would otherwise give up. The poem talks about a rose that grew in the midst of concrete, defying the mold of societal norms and expectations, which don't expect a rose to bloom in the midst of concrete! This inspiring piece is a story of perseverance, determination, hope, faith and personal agency. It pushes us to dream and to hope even against hope, knowing that in the end, something beautiful, tender and glorious will blossom from our hopes, if we do not give up. Today I share this poem with you in the hope that it will inspire you to persevere and flourish even in the midst of the challenges that continually surround us. Did you hear about the rose t

Flash 11: Time, Chance and Choice.

One of the most frequently used expressions that is often used as an excuse by individuals who find themselves in less than favorable circumstances is "Life is not fair." This phrase has been used to justify negative attitudes towards life, irrational and harmful behaviors, poor life decisions, and, for some, as a reason to doubt the goodness and justice of God and consequently turn away from Him. While this statement may hold some truth, the Bible, in Ecclesiastes, offers a perspective that is worthy of our utmost consideration. Ecclesiastes 9:11 NIV "I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all." Despite all the inconsistencies of human life, God grants time and chance to all. Time is a mysterious and essential element given to every man to enact change and fulfill their purpos

Flash 10: We Are Escaped.

Following global news has had a profound effect on me. Reports of wars and rumours of wars, economic turmoil in unexpected nations, failing government systems and escalating violence has left me feeling weary. I find myself seeking solace in art, particularly poetry and paintings, until one morning I woke up with this phrase ringing in my mind. " Is art a means of escapism ?" The phrase that prompts today's post.  As I went into exploring the relationship between art and escapism, I had a remarkable realization. That part of my deep immersion in arts in this season was a consequence of the news I was constantly digesting and also a form of escapism. A way to evade from the harsh and disheartening realities of life that often weigh heavily on the heart and mind. This brought questions to my mind like, ' Are Christians exempt from escapism ?' ' is a Christian given to escapism implying a lack of faith in Jesus Christ? ' Meditating on th