Flash 20: Purpose Above Opposition.

In the pursuit of purpose, we often encounter various hurdles that try to deter us from what we are committed to achieving. One of the most significant hurdles is opposition. How we perceive and respond to opposition determines whether we achieve our purpose or not.  This is clearly illustrated in the fourth chapter of the book of Nehemiah. After beginning the reconstruction of the walls of Jerusalem, Nehemiah and the builders faced harsh opposition from Sanballat and his company who resorted to mockery and open threats of violence in an attempt to halt this divinely inspired work. However, it’s Nehemiah's response to this opposition that deserves our attention. 

He demonstrates that the drive for purpose can surpass any opposition one might encounter. Despite the challenges, it never crossed his mind to stop the work of the Lord. His heart was firmly set on the truth that God's purposes far outweighed any opposition he could face. So, what was his response to the challenges?

1. Inspired Prayer and Faith in God.
In verse four of this chapter, we see Nehemiah praying to God immediately upon hearing of the malicious actions of Sanballat and his associates. His prayers not only reached God but also inspired faith among the builders, encouraging them to hope and trust in the Lord. Nehemiah had a profound conviction in God's ability to sustain His work, even against vehement enemies.

2. Encouraging the Builders.
As a leader, Nehemiah instilled boldness and courage in the builders. Instead of retreating in fear, he remained steadfast in his belief that the walls of Jerusalem must be rebuilt and the gates restored. Throughout Chapter 4, he devised strategic plans to address threats without inducing fear and anxiety among his people. He tackled the challenges while keeping the primary goal in sight: rebuilding the city of Jerusalem.

3. Strengthening Vulnerable Areas.
In the context of conflict, weaknesses can be a liability. Upon learning of the threats posed by Sanballat and his associates, Nehemiah formulated a strategy to position armed men behind the walls at the least protected points. He reinforced these vulnerable spots before continuing with the reconstruction work. 

In summary, Nehemiah teaches us that purpose is always greater than opposition. Good outcomes often come with challenges. Thus, we must anticipate and prepare for opposition as we strive to fulfill God's purposes in our lives. However, we must never allow opposition to thwart God's plans. Let us resolve in our hearts that the King's business is far more significant than any opposing forces we encounter.

I hope this message blesses you today. Tschüss!


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