Flash 18: Altered Realities

It is not unusual for conspiracy theories to arise in the wake of a significant catastrophe. This trend has continued following the extensive flooding in Florida caused by hurricanes Helene and Milton. Among the prevailing theories is the notion that these hurricanes may have been artificially created rather than occurring naturally. Of course my interest was sparked by the concept of geoengineered hurricanes or manipulated weather disasters and I searched into the matter. Indeed, research online detailed the use of a weather modification programs, among which was one called Operation Popeye used during the Vietnam War from 1967 to 1972. This program, conducted by the US Airforce, aimed to prolong the monsoon season in specific areas along the Ho Chi Minh Trail in order to hinder North Vietnamese military operations by softening road surfaces and inducing landslides,thus giving the USA military the upper hand. Further research led me to explore cloud seeding, a technique employed to induce rainfall in arid regions as a means of alleviating drought conditions. These revelations, among others, shed light on the extensive capabilities and potential manipulations of weather that surpass the understanding of the average mind.

As I contemplated these matters, my thoughts drifted to a concept that has been incubating in my mind for several weeks: altered realities. I first encountered this term while watching a YouTube video, prompting me to delve deeper into its meaning. Altered realities refer to a state of perception or experience that deviates from the conventional or shared understanding of reality. It suggests a distortion, where the presented reality does not align with the true reality. Various methods can be used to alter reality, with substance abuse being a common avenue. It is not a surprise that some of the most out-of-touch with reality individuals are those under the influence of drugs or substances. They often exhibit a distorted view of the world, where circles are squares and squares are ovals. Relating with individuals in such states is usually challenging as their perception of reality is significantly warped due to disconnects with actuality. Advancements in technology have introduced Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, which overlay digital elements onto the physical world, thereby manipulating the user's perception of their environment. Furthermore, fictional narratives in literature and media, particularly within science fiction and fantasy genres, can also distort our understanding of reality.

While altered reality encompasses a broad spectrum of experiences and interpretations, one of the most insidious forms emerges through deceit. The deliberate manipulation of reality with the intent to mislead individuals causing profound consequences. We see these deceptions all the time, ranging from minor infractions like falsifying school grades and forgery of important documents, to greater orchestrated governmental propaganda where mass corruption and wrongdoing are obscured through tactful PR. However, the gravest lies are those that are meticulously crafted so as to deceive even the most astute minds. Distortions of such proportions as are warned in Matthew 24:24 that have the potential to deceive even the very elect!

It is as I was contemplating on these matters that the wisdom in Proverbs 14:12 took new meaning, that says, there is a way that seems right to a man but the end thereof is destruction. I came to understand that unless the Lord rightly reveals a matter, it is easy to be the casualty of any of the many altered realities that we knowingly or unknowingly live in. 

Shilako Abutaka.


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