Flash 20: Purpose Above Opposition.
In the pursuit of purpose, we often encounter various hurdles that try to deter us from what we are committed to achieving. One of the most significant hurdles is opposition. How we perceive and respond to opposition determines whether we achieve our purpose or not. This is clearly illustrated in the fourth chapter of the book of Nehemiah. After beginning the reconstruction of the walls of Jerusalem, Nehemiah and the builders faced harsh opposition from Sanballat and his company who resorted to mockery and open threats of violence in an attempt to halt this divinely inspired work. However, it’s Nehemiah's response to this opposition that deserves our attention. He demonstrates that the drive for purpose can surpass any opposition one might encounter. Despite the challenges, it never crossed his mind to stop the work of the Lord. His heart was firmly set on the truth that God's purposes far outweighed any opposition he could face. So, what was his response to the challenges? ...