Flash 22: Defend and Extend
Greetings dear reader, As we progress with the year 2025, here are a few thoughts for our consideration. One of the inescapable realities of Christian life is that of warfare. Having been born again, we enjoy peace with God but we automatically attract enmity from the devil. He is constantly stalking and plotting against us. Like a master predator, he is always studying and marking us his targets, looking for vulnerable points through which to launch his attacks. His mission? To steal, kill and destroy. Knowing that, we cannot afford to be casual in our approach to his attacks. Rather, we need to gird up our minds and our spirits, always ready to fight back, in what the bible calls the good fight of faith. We need to settle it in our minds that we will not take the fight sitting down in our comfort zones, but that we will fight tooth and nail until we have the victory. Our mission? To possess, defend and extend. Like Jephthah, let we seek to be intentional in ...